Saturday, August 6, 2016

Suicide Squad review

Suicide Squad takes viewers on a visual adventure.  The graphics are great, and though it is worth seeing in 3D, it would still be impressive in a traditional viewing environment.  There are great uses of colors, videography and special effects that make it worthy of seeing in a theatre.
The storyline goes through the history of a variety of characters, traditionally seen as bad guys.  It explains how they came to be, showing the human side of mutants.  The historical side of the storyline is very interesting and well done; however, the overall plotline is a little weak at times.
Basically, there are various bad guys, and the government wants to use them in battle, proclaiming the next world war will involve mutants.  They attempt to control these mutants, but one rebels and causes a problem that the rest of these mutants must solve.  In the end, they triumph, but it is how they win that is just a little too convenient given the strengths and abilities of who they are up against.  That’s the weak point of the storyline; the rest is pretty decent.
In the credits, Batman appears, hinting to a sequel that may be in the works.  Overall, the movie is worth seeing, and it will be exciting to see what they do with a sequel, leaving viewers craving more.
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) is the eye candy of the movie, and steals the show with her twisted girlish innocence.  Pairing her up with Jared Leto playing the Joker is a great combination.  Leto brings an entirely new aspect to the Joker, as his version of the character is tattooed and sports a grill.  The tattoo of a smile on his hand is a twist on the traditional comic character that is fitting with modern times.
The Joker is probably one of the best takes on this staple character.  It is a refreshing version of the role, one that fits with the times, adding another layer of dimension to the beloved bad guy.
Will Smith’s character Deadshot has the most feelings shown, as heart strings tug for the relationship with his daughter.  Smith is surprisingly buff in the film, bulkier than ever before.  One can only imagine the time spent working out to prepare for the role.
Viola Davis’ role as Amanda Waller is a strong female role.  She is a ruthless leader and commands respect from all around her.  It is refreshing to see a strong female role like this.
Each character brings a new twist on the traditional villains, be it with facial tattoos that accentuate their persona or the way the characters are portrayed in the film.  The history of each character is more in depth than other movies, and it is interesting how they tackle the actual stories behind each.
Though the film starts with Superman being dead, it features Batman and a slew of other comic favorites that is surprising.  Opening up these character avenues only makes one more curious how they will write the sequel. 
In summary, this is a film worth seeing in a theatre.  It is better than most of the superhero movies that have been made recently.  If you like the bad guys, this is their time to shine, making it worthy of spending a few extra dollars for the theatre experience.

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