Monday, March 25, 2019

Revitalizing Behind Scenes and Publishing Books

I know it may seem as if I have fallen off the face of the planet, but I didn’t. I did receive the many awesome comments, so thanks to those who enjoy reading my writing. While it looked as if I had been abducted by aliens, I was really busy writing and publishing book.

This month, four books have been published: Eerily Easy English, an English text book; Interviewing Rock Stars, a memoir of my time as a music journalist; Valley of Shadows, a fictional book that is outlandish; and Happy Haiku Horrors, a poetry book. Why so many? I was gearing up to go to a writing conference where I would be representing Johns Hopkins University in Portland, OR. 

On top of that, I have been working on a new housing project. Perhaps I was watching too much HGTV and got a little too inspired to try to get all dusty and grubby. Nothing like trying to teach yourself how to do drywall, abate mold, lay a million bricks, tear down walls and all that fun stuff. 

For any of those who know me, you know I’m trying to keep the budget as low as possible, which means scouring Craigslist, Let Go and all the other buying and selling apps to see what I can find for cheap or free. Like this weekend, for example, I wound up getting a few truck and trailer loads of paver bricks for free, which sounded amazing, until I started hefting those stupid things and making my body ache in places I didn’t even know I could get muscle cramps in. The fantasy is always better than reality, especially when you’re talking that kind of labor in the Florida sun; needless to say, I got a little red on my chest like a robin, but I’ve been making trails at the new place, so I guess it’s worth it. 

Yes, I have still been doing things behind the scenes, including music. I’ll post the latest in a little while. I know, I should have posted it by now, but as aforementioned, I’ve been a little busy. 

While you’re waiting, you can check out the new books on Amazon, Kindle or at There’s more where those came from, so check often for the latest releases from yours truly. Thanks again to everyone for the kind words of support, and be sure to check out the latest adventures of Thorisaz Views.

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