Monday, June 24, 2019

Lita Ford's Like Laced Up Leather

Lita Ford's like laced up leather.  She has this classic, timeless style.  She's like that favorite leather garment that only gets better after wearing it for a while, feeling it imprint the curves of your body.

It takes a while for a good leather to loosen up, as it has to be broken in a bit.  Compared to other fabrics out there, leather holds up surprisingly well over time, being tough enough to handle spills on motorcycles that could've ripped right through other fabrics.  Lita Ford may have garnered notoriety with the likes of Joan Jett, but Lita was hanging out with some of the toughest of guys when other chicks wouldn't have been able to handle it in the 80's, being known for having some epic hook-ups over the years with names that most chicks from that era would only dream about in fantasies.

Yet, she has always maintained the lace of being a lady.  Not being afraid to show who was in charge, her solo career rocketed in a slightly more metal version than Jett.  Ok, so her song with Ozzy was a little bit of a ballad, and Jett does play with the likes of Acey Spade, who dabbles with the likes of Dope and Wednesday 13, so it really may be a bit of a toss up as to who is more metal, but still...

The point is that Lita Ford is still kicking ass and taking names in the rock scene, with a body that looked as tight as ever without having to be in some uncomfortable corset.  Her drummer's back there peeping over the top of the drum set, looking kinda average, but when he pops out from time to time, people may start to get an idea, but it's not til the end, when he comes to the front, that his Hulk-like arms, narrowing into a ripped, v-shaped torso, is visible, looking like a gymsperational advertisement where it makes you think of how much more you should be hitting the gym, damn slacker.

She's got some good guys up front, too.  They're bringing it.  Everything was awesome.

They played at The Ranch on Colonial in Fort Myers.  She opened up for Dokken.  Honestly, and no offense to Dokken, as I've covered them a few other times, and they have been awesome before, but on that particular night, Lita definitely put on the better show, blowing them out of the water.

Now, I will say that it was not all Dokken's fault on that particular night, as it was evident from the crowd that they were having some sort of sound issue from the start, as they ushered out one speaker, swapping it out for another at the last second before taking the stage.  At one point, an audience member claimed they thought the sound guy was sleeping during the show.  It was really bad.

The lead singer looked a little annoyed with the issue, as he had to verbalize his request into the mic.  This may have led into him not having as much of an energy that I have seen him have in the past.  We're giving the benefit of the doubt on that one for now, but Lita Ford still kicked major ass there.

Not to say Dokken was bad by any means, as it was an awesome show.  There's some eye candy there still for sure.  It's like, did time stand still with these people, or are they hiding the fountain of youth?

Just saying, with Lita being 60, I can only hope to look as amazing as her when I'm that age.  She's really an inspiration to women, not only with what she went through by being a woman in the rock and roll industry, but also by how she has weathered the years, with the classic cool of a leather.  Whether you remember her from her "Cherry Bomb" days, "Close Your Eyes," and "Kiss me once, kiss me twice... kiss me deadly;" it's an energy that pulses through your body, bringing the tingles.

If you haven't seen her live yet, why the hell not?  Go check her out.  Even if you have seen her before, go see her again, and while you're at it, go check out Dokken, too.

Marisa Williams earned her Master's in Writing from the Johns Hopkins University.  Follow her at  For more by Marisa, visit

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