Thursday, January 13, 2022

Goose lets loose with no excuse

His voice beamed, "Did you see Goose's New Year's Eve show yet?" 

Hearing him smile, "It's streaming now," and he sent the asset.

It's like going to see them again, so get into the mindset.

This is one of those bands that can gather some attention.

Have you heard their name when music lovers mention?

It's not the stereotypical hippie scene to approach with apprehension.

As it's been a while since the last rhyming review,

and Goose seemed a good band to write one to,

here's a recap of what Thorisaz did view:

Salem for Halloween had been planned

well before COVID-19 struck the land,

so I took off from the warmth of the Florida sand.

It's a change in scenery when thrown a crumb

just to see what sorts of critters will come.

Instead of panthers, armadillos and gators visiting for some

snack, there's black bears, elk and moose to stop by,

grab whatever bite to eat as a means to say hi.

Both places have laws for people to get high,

but further up in Stephen King's land of Maine,

there's a few dispensaries that are just insane,

especially when accompanied by a surfer with a mohawk mane.

It really helps having a local in the know

to be able to have them lead and show

you the way, especially during seasons thick snow.

While the coast of Maine had board in surf,

I was being escorted to where it's lawless turf

with no police force but a farm with kittens to cuddle their urf.

Were there guard goats at the gate?

Not as scar as a guard gator when dark and late.

However, they had a variety of things to tempt fate.

This was not your typical dispensary at all.

Joey Nugs had 60 varieties of weed on the wall.

What's the stuff that makes you feel 10 foot tall?

Grab some goodies to make it through the show.

Tell them Goose is playing, as they did not know.

Just go ahead, close up shop and we'll meet ya down later, so...

There's nothing quite like closing up a dispensary,

so the owner can escort you there personally.

That's a sure sign things are starting merrily.

Joey Dee, have you girl don the red fuckmi boots.

We go down like Fear and Loathing with Santa's loots.

It's time to kick up heels and hear some owl hoots

while driving through the land of Stephen King

and picturing how his mind came up with a thing

that captures the essence of Maine with a ring

of horror that you can feel on Halloween day, 

no matter what the locals try to say,

as they're numb from seeing it everyday.

Take in all the autumn colors as you drive,

seeing oranges and reds pop from snow clouds wanting to drop live.

Feel the chills settle in no matter how you bundle and strive

to get a number of steps in to warm you inside.

It's like there's something luring in the woods that likes to hide

and can't wait to tear you apart to bring pieces to his pride.

When you're passing the witches in Salem, it's not

any more of a comfort than those stealing candy on the spot.

Add some hallucinogens to the Halloween costumes around

don a mask and ask why the room is spinning around.

Take off the mask, before you pass out on the ground.

With all the mob of people in crazy clothes piling in,

get paranoid, keeping in mind COVID and push off with a fin

 to swim away from the crowd, hiding up top for the show to begin.

When the crowd deeply bellers "Goose," it sounds like booing.

It's so odd, as it hears like the opposite of what it should be doing.

Paddle through the audience like rapids as if canoeing.

Lord over everyone from the top and look down.

Get lost in the lasers zooming all around

while seeing the whole stage: enlightenment is found.

The twittering tweets from Austin Powers

sets the stage for the evening hours.

Let down your hair like Rapunzel in the towers.

The whole thing is really a Gestaltist view.

Listen to the recording after, but it's not the same to you.

Acoustics and experience not the same, not matter what you do.

This is one of those shows you have to be at

to really understand how it makes heads splat

into pieces when it's blown in a moment like that.

You can try to imitate what it's like,

watch it again like a wide-eyed lil tyke,

but being there splits your brain like a spike.

Feeling the eruption of energy from the crowd,

hearing the eruption of screams grow loud

and watching the people dance as if they're not proud.

Videos after the fact primarily focus on the band, 

but it's the crowd that can get out of hand,

creating a feakish Halloween scape of the land.

Marty McFly rushes up to Doc Brown.

He's asking the time, to see it's he's down.

Looking around, you don't see a frown.

You might spot neon spandex and a short dress.

It's hard to take in all the costumes, you must confess.

The combination of crowd, light and music melts mind into mess.

 "American Woman" was big, but people go nuts for The Monkeys.

It's like that's the song that turned their keys.

It underestimates that it set the crowd vibe to please.

By the time "Magic Carpet Ride" floated onto the stage,

it was like a good novel, fast turning the page.

It was like the will to beast at an all night rage.

They're playing puppet master with musical voodoo,

commanding the dance moves that you do,

synchronizing with others around you who do

mismatched dance moves that all jive together.

Sweat out toxins and water weight from leather.

Sweaty bodies slime up against each other,

ooze past them like a gravy from biscuit smother.

Swim past like a semiaquatic anthracothere.

It's not just the sights and the sounds, but more

as it leaves you craving the next show to explore.

You know that it's not going to be the same,

and that draws you like a moth to the flame.

Knowing when you'll see them may be a waiting game.

Stalk online and see the next time they're near.

You will not want to miss them, my dear.

You just might miss the Halloween theme of fear.

There's no telling what the next theme may be.

It's like identifying leftovers in a goatee.

To say you know with full certainty is gutsy.

While in New England, take time to visit the coast.

Look around Salem, and see if you can find a ghost.

There's more to see than the ye olde whipping post.

You might need a dry suit in the winter to surf right now,

but it can be down with a little know-how.

Adventure until you find something to make you say wow.