Saturday, May 20, 2023

Cattle Decapitation, Dark Funeral: Decapitación de ganado, funeral oscuro

 It's Blackbraid with 200 Stab Wounds, Cattle Decapitation and Dark Funeral, and when I told someone I was going, there was an innocent head turn, as if she though I was going to slaughter cows.  Clarifying that I would not personally be killing any cows, I had to explain that particular band is the music of pissed off vegetarians, not the people who are killing calves for burgers to eat.  That's when I saw that nod of approval, the shoulder shrug, "you never know with as many odd stories as I hear from people..."

 Es Blackbraid con 200 puñaladas, decapitación de ganado y funeral oscuro, y cuando le dije a alguien que iba, hubo un giro de cabeza inocente, como si pensara que iba a sacrificar vacas.  Aclarando que personalmente no estaría matando vacas, tuve que explicar que esa banda en particular es la música de vegetarianos cabreados, no la gente que está matando terneros para comer hamburguesas.  Fue entonces cuando vi ese gesto de aprobación, el encogimiento de hombros, "nunca se sabe con tantas historias extrañas como escucho..."

While she may have been picturing me mounting a cow with a blade, stabbing it 200 times whilst a black braid twirls violently from my head before mourning it with a funeral, as if sacrificing something to a Dark Lord, it's just another night of Tampa metal music at The Orpheum.  Taking one of my friends with me who does not get off the farm much, when we arrived, I saw the eyes grow big at the sight of various audience members wearing black and white face makeup.  Looking around like a kid in a candy store, there was people watching galore, especially if you glanced over the mosh pit shenanigans.

Si bien ella puede haberme estado imaginando montando una vaca con una cuchilla, apuñalándola 200 veces mientras una trenza negra gira violentamente de mi cabeza antes de llorarla con un funeral, como si sacrificara algo a un Señor Oscuro, es solo otra noche de música metal de Tampa en The Orpheum.  Llevando a uno de mis amigos conmigo que no sale mucho de la granja, cuando llegamos, vi que los ojos se agrandaban al ver a varios miembros de la audiencia con maquillaje facial en blanco y negro.  Mirando a su alrededor como un niño en una tienda de dulces, había gente mirando en abundancia, especialmente si mirabas por encima de las travesuras del mosh pit.

Many of the typical locals were found at their post within the mosh, and it's always fun to watch them marching around, having a good time.  Most of them are just silly, with one guy wearing a bright yellow banana outfit the entire show.  Girls grab hands and spin, guys pick each other up and carry them around the most circle, just for giggles, with so many others doing outlandish dance moves and more.

Muchos de los lugareños típicos se encontraban en su puesto dentro del mosh, y siempre es divertido verlos marchar, pasando un buen rato.  La mayoría de ellos son simplemente tontos, con un tipo con un traje de plátano amarillo brillante durante todo el espectáculo.  Las chicas se agarran de las manos y giran, los chicos se levantan y las llevan alrededor del círculo, solo para reírse, con tantos otros haciendo movimientos de baile extravagantes y más.

Check out the live videos on my Instagram.

Mira los videos en vivo en mi Instagram.

Though it had been a while since I had covered Cattle Decapitation, which might have been as far back as when I was living in Baltimore - so a hot minute at the very least - I was pleased to hear and see that they have been maturing musically like a fine wine, tightening up both in sound and on stage.  It's always great to see musicians blossom with time, perfecting their craft, and that's what Cattle Decapitation has done.  With their latest album Terrasite recently dropping this month, here's a little sampling to devour called "We Eat Our Young."

For those not so familiar with Cattle Decapitation, even though they have been rocking the scene for quite a long while now, it's fun to watch people get to know them simply by looking at their song names.  "Just Another Body" seems so dark, and when people start giving that stink eye like they cannot believe they are singing about killing, that's when you have to remind meat eaters that an animal was slaughtered to fill their stomach when they were eating that burger.  "...And The World Will Go On Without You," is an aptly titled friendly reminder that nobody gets out of life alive.

The touring veterans of the scene were Dark Funeral, and with a few decades of rock under their belt as they celebrate 30 years of entertaining people through music and a stage show that a few others have tried to rip off over the years, they still know how to rock without breaking character on stage.  Remember, Dark Funeral is not over, until you see that black flag flying at the end, so don your black leather attire, especially if it's made by Digger's Leather, and let's set the stage.  In a sea of pale white faces with black blood-like accents, it's like being transported to another time and place where you actually are attending some sort of secret society ceremony with doom music to let you know the end is near.

Los veteranos de gira de la escena fueron Dark Funeral, y con algunas décadas de rock en su haber mientras celebran 30 años de entretener a la gente a través de la música y un espectáculo teatral que algunos otros han tratado de estafar a lo largo de los años, todavía saben cómo rockear sin romper el carácter en el escenario.  Recuerda, Dark Funeral no ha terminado, hasta que veas esa bandera negra ondeando al final, así que ponte tu atuendo de cuero negro, especialmente si está hecho por Digger's Leather, y preparemos el escenario.  En un mar de caras blancas pálidas con acentos negros parecidos a la sangre, es como ser transportado a otro tiempo y lugar donde realmente estás asistiendo a algún tipo de ceremonia de sociedad secreta con música doom para hacerte saber que el final está cerca.

The slower style dark music still hits hard enough to incite not only a mosh pit, but a sea of crowd surfers tumbling over each other.  Still, with their deliberately slow delivery, it brings that somber sense.  It makes you wonder who is going to die today, or who is dying at this very moment, as out of sheer statistics, there's most likely someone dying as you read this somewhere on the planet.

La música oscura de estilo más lento todavía golpea lo suficientemente fuerte como para incitar no solo a un mosh pit, sino a un mar de surfistas que se caen unos sobre otros.  Aún así, con su entrega deliberadamente lenta, trae esa sensación sombría.  Te hace preguntarte quién va a morir hoy, o quién está muriendo en este mismo momento, ya que por puras estadísticas, lo más probable es que alguien muera mientras lees esto en algún lugar del planeta.

If you have not been to the new location of the Orpheum, it's located sort of near Skipper's, another classic venue in Tampa, and you don't need to eat before a show, as they have been known to be smoking up a storm.  No, we're not talking about smoking people out, unless you mean smoking BBQ.  That's almost as good as the leather work done by Digger's Leather on display at this particular show.

Si no has estado en la nueva ubicación del Orpheum, está ubicado cerca de Skipper's, otro lugar clásico en Tampa, y no necesitas comer antes de un espectáculo, ya que se sabe que están fumando una tormenta.  No, no estamos hablando de fumar a la gente, a menos que te refieras a fumar barbacoa.  Eso es casi tan bueno como el trabajo de cuero realizado por Digger's Leather en exhibición en este espectáculo en particular.

Let's leave you with some links to check this stuff out:

Vamos a dejarte con algunos enlaces para comprobar estas cosas:

Cattle Decapitation

Dark Funeral | Official Website | Ineffable Kings of Black Metal


200 Stab Wounds (

Dale Caldwell (@diggersleather) • Instagram photos and videos Marisa L. Williams: books, biography, latest update

Marisa Williams - Books and Publications Spotlight | Lulu

Outlandish Writer . com

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